Sunday, November 1, 2009

This is why I procreated. OK , this and a couple of other reasons.

I fell in love with the Yoda costume the second I laid eyes on it, it was just to cute and weird to pass up.

Kelan last year on Halloween

He enjoyed helping give candy away almost as much as he enjoyed walking up to houses and saying "bye" instead of "trick or treat"

Seriously, it is going to be a sad day for me when he picks out his own costume, but it will be nice when he decides to hoard his candy- those peanut butter cups keep calling my name.


kim said...

Oh my goodness, Emily! He is soooo adorable!

Emily said...

Thanks Kim! Sean showed me pics on facebook of you and Steve-- I wanted to tell you that I loved your costumes!!! I was sorry I missed the party!

liteseed said...

I always said he looks just like me.