Sunday, January 3, 2010

I watched a lot of movies when the stomach flu went through our house

I love netflix instant play! It kept me sane this weekend.

Movies I loved
Sunshine Cleaning
Good Dick

Movies I liked but were depressing
Turtles can fly
Frozen River

Movies I wanted to like but didn't really
Rachel Getting Married
Nick and Norah's Infinite Play List

A movie that was weird and I fell asleep during

I'm not sure why I am sharing this but one of my New Year's resolutions (That I made at 8:00 p.m. because I was to ill to stay up any later) is to blog more.


Unknown said...

I really liked "Sunshine Cleaning." Have you seen "Lars and the Real Girl" yet? Watched it recently and loved it.

Emily said...

It's been in our queue forever... I just bumped it up though :)