Sunday, August 22, 2010

How bout them packers?

Here is a short list of things that I have really enjoyed since coming back to WI:

1) My kid- like this one needs an explanation

2) My Husband- because someone needs to catch me up on all of the reality TV I missed- and OMG do you think Ali was going to pick Frank?

3) The weather- because 80 degrees with humidity is soooo much better than 100+ degrees with humidity (a dry heat my ass)

4) Trees- because they are so green and tree-like. Brown is such a drab color. And there's shade, that's always nice.

5) Squirrels- I think people in AZ might be confused... the animals they call squirrels are not squirrels... I think they are some sort of chipmunk hybrid.

6) Dessert- I had lost a couple (OK 10) pounds over the summer from a combination of stress and med changes. It's kind of fun not having to watch my simple carb intake for the time being. This week I went to Great American Cookies and got myself a double doozie.....aaaaaMAZING!!!

7) Water- you know because we have it.

8) Reading- I wasn't allowed to read for pleasure in treatment but I have been more than making up for it. I recently read Water for Elephants (awesome novel-soon to be a movie) and Smashed (a well-written, engrossing memoir about a teen aged girl with a drinking problem)

Ah yes, home sweet home.

But I do miss some things from AZ. I miss the lizards and the palm trees. I miss the girls from the program. I miss the mountains and riding horses. Most of all though, I miss waking up and having to chug a glass of lukewarm gatorade- the kind mixed (never in the same ratio) from powder. Just kidding, I don't miss gatorade at all. Yuck.

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