Sunday, April 22, 2012

In his defense, most people react this way to my cooking

Kelan and I have been clashing over dinner lately.  He argues that I don't make pizza often enough, and I argue that his palate is not as refined as it could be. Seeing as it's a struggle for me to put one dinner on the table, I kind of refuse to make him his own special foods, because in the words of every other sadistic mom, "You will eat what I make buddy, this is not a restaurant!"

On Friday it was cold, like, jack up the furnace when Sean isn't looking, cold. So I put together some chili and made some rice.  I hadn't yet put out sides when I called Kelan to the table. Because I am passive aggressive amused by his antics, I grabbed the camera so that I could share. Because if you can't learn to laugh at your kids (publicly and behind their backs, of course) you are in for a lot of crying. 

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