Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've always marveled at the moms who can call a nurse and say "He's got it again, send the prescription to Walgreens."

It seems like every kid has that one illness that they are super-prone to. I have a friend that can recognize an ear infection in her daughter by the sound of her cry. For me, it has never been that simple. It's mostly just a lot of calling nurse direct and feeling like a bumbling idiot. (Wait, I was supposed to keep track of wet diapers?)

In any event, 104.0 is not what you like to see on your thermometer a half hour before the clinic opens.

Sunday's fever was a bit worrisome as it kept coming back just a bit higher each time the Tylenol wore off. On Monday morning we woke up to a listless, furnace of a kid and I was officially freaked.

It was strange since the only symptom he had was a fever, but on a hunch the doctor ordered a chest x-ray and announced that he has Pneumonia. So, Kelan and I spent most of the day on the couch. He slept like a newborn, and I cleaned out the DVR.

Sadly, I think chest infections are what he's prone to. Maybe this is how it happens, it's just a pattern that you notice. I sincerely hope that we get better at catching on to the signs though, because Pneumonia does not mess around.


AUG BLOG said...

Augustus is a "chest infection" kinda kid. To date he has never experienced a single ( more commonly experienced) ear infection, but any pervasive bronchial infection you can think of, he's had it. Auggie too, has experienced Pneumonia. I was startled by the diagnosis, pondering how this develops in a little guy...but alas, I now anticipate when the average, everyday type of virus is floating around, it will in fact manifest itself within Auggie as some sort of stubborn chest infection. Ugh. Sorry we share this commonality. I'd take an ear infection over worrying about Auggie's breathing!

Emily said...

So true. I've always hated hearing that bad cough that accompanies these things as well. Ah well, maybe we'll luck out in some other realm of parenting :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he will eventually grow out of it? I had issues throughout early childhood and elementary (I don't think it started at Kelan's age). But it eventually went away. Hopefully that will be the case.