The bittersweet thing about the twin bed is that it allows Kelan certain freedoms. The rules are basically to be in bed by eight and then do whatever, as long as you don't come and bug us.
Sean and I listen for loud noises and commotion, but so far he hasn't been too wild. We are learning, however, that he is quite the little night owl- sometimes up in his room talking to himself and turning on and off his light for an hour or so before falling asleep.
The other night Sean captured this little moment in time when he went up to check on him.
I would use this as evidence of his amazing intellect, falling asleep with books and all, but I'll wait until he's falling asleep with Nietzsche to get all braggy about it. And there is the whole talking to himself thing, I mean, what is that all about??
I was tempted to say that this was the funniest thing that happened all week, but Sean discovered that you can change titles of DVR recordings and got all clever (read: kind of obscene) with some recordings...I'll call it a tie.