Thursday, March 11, 2010

Culture shock for this mama

It's been a long winter and I've been forced to get creative with indoor entertainment. Even so, like any SAHM (well any SAHM that isn't lying through her teeth, or employing lots of outside help), I have to admit that if the TV broke for more than a day, I would probably require inpatient mental health care.

Earlier this winter, I realized that The Bad Girl's Club was probably not appropriate for the preschool crowd. When Kelan looked up from his fire truck one day and asked, "Why she crying? She need a hug mommy?" I knew my reign over the TV was done. Since then, it's been locked on Nickelodeon and PBS.

Let me tell you, I strive to keep an open mind. I have seen a lot in my twenty six years of life and it's kind of hard to shock me, but seeeeeeriously what in the world is up with children's programming??? And is Nick Jr. actually for kids, or is it a cover for daytime stoner television, because it would be so embarrassing if I made that mix up...

First of all-Yo Gabba Gabba. Need I say more? I would describe it as Teletubbies on acid. It never fails that when Kelan is parked in front of that show, I'll look up from my book/email and see something that makes me do a double take. Usually it is a group of people in spandex with drawn-on mustaches "rocking out", or kids with beehive hairdos dancing to techno music. I'm not making this stuff up.

Just as odd, Lazy Town. I just recently discovered this one, and it actually scared Kelan at first- which is saying a lot. When he saw the tall back-flipping guy in the blue spandex fighting with a guy in a banana suit, he ran over to me and said, "I need a hug" which translates to "This is freaking me right out."

Oh, and also, Toot and Puddle should just come out already, it's 2010.

There's more. So. Much. More. A few shows that I don't mind, like even. Who could hate Oswald? How soothing is Fred Savage's voice? Very. Franklin and Little Bear? Tolerable! I could go on, but I think I've made my point.


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