Friday, August 13, 2010

My kid got weird while I was gone

Or more likely my parenting got rusty.

But seriously,

Yesterday I had to threaten a time-out because he was licking the tv screen. Sean and I also had to put to use some serious distraction skills when he begged and pleaded to bring one of our dinner plates with him to Grandma's house. Yes a plate. He'll never know how close I came to giving in and just letting him bring it. I have to admit, part of me picked this battle just to see how much of a fuss he would put up over a dinner plate. Because I'm a terrible mom and I like to mess with his head a little.

But this is odd behavior, no?

I get picking battles, I just never imagined that they would get this...strange.

Send parenting books.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I think it depends on what was on the plate....