Thursday, September 30, 2010

This is why I should really blog less often

So, fun fact- I am strangely fascinated by Aaron Neville's voice. I have been since childhood. Every time I hear a song by him on the radio or in a store I get really excited. I have even mastered an impression that you are welcome to hear (after one too many drinks, that is).

I dare you-DARE you to listen to one of his songs and not be mystified...

Hmmm, just me then?

I've never actually purchased any music by Aaron Neville, but that's all going to change soon because, guess what?- He has a Christmas cd! I'm sorry but I have no choice but to believe that it is fate that Sean was singing an Aaron Neville song out of the blue yesterday, and that I decided to play the demo on iTunes to show him how off key he was, and that I stumbled upon an entire list of Christmas songs TWO MONTHS before Christmas!


I get giddy just thinking of all the car rides this holiday season. Picture it, the fam and I, driving along and me singing (loudly) to these songs.

iTunes calls his voice soulful- I call it irresistible.

Oh Holy niiiiiiieeeeeiiiiiiiieeeeeiiiiiight........

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