Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sort of like that one movie, except without hooker.

Sean is off this week and he's been at a cottage with Kelan and some extended family. I am leaving to join them today. Basically I have been left to my own devices for the past couple days. Before Sean and Kelan left, I pictured my time alone being exciting-- all, Risky Buisness -like (Only, I've never actually seen that movie but for that one scene with the underwear and the dancing) Anyway, reality was much less exciting. Basically my house is cleaner than it was and my head is full of funny quotes from The Office because I watched a couple seasons.

Anyway, I'll update with vacation pics next week. Before I go though, I would like to share one of my favorite Michael Scott quotes. It's from that episode where Michael denounces technology and delivers gift baskets to past clients in order to win them back. Here is what he says after he drives into a lake upon GPS instruction:

"Everyone always wants new things. Everybody likes new inventions, new technology. People will never be replaced by machines. In the end, life and business are about human connections. And computers are about trying to murder you in a lake. And to me, the choice is easy."

Couldn't have said it better myself.

**I just googled Risky Business. It Sounds like his weekend was way more fun than mine and now I'm depressed. Also, I'm totally changing the title of this post.

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