Sunday, July 19, 2009

Who pressed fast forward?

I don't really want to admit that these past few months have been about biding time until now-- but ok, they totally have. And not that there haven't been a few distractions along the way (exciting new babies, sandboxes, and developing language skills included) but in the back of my brain, I have been counting down to this week... little did I know just what a crescendo it would become.

And it all comes down to now. Sean officially, officially finds out about his job status tomorrow, and just today we accepted an offer on the house that may or may not have us packing next month. Just typing this has me in a cold sweat, reaching for the family sized bottle of Pepto which now resides in my nightstand (no longer just reserved for the 3 o'clock in the morning version of these worries).

It's all so exciting! But, I'm ready to come down from this 24 hour a day adrenaline high, and get back to focusing on the smaller things. However, until then- we are officially unpaused.

1 comment:

Sean said...

No more worries! It's smooth sailing from here on out.