Friday, July 31, 2009

Sean is learning how to start a fire in a garbage can, just in case

I'm not really fluent in realtor speak, but I'm pretty sure hearing that the buyers are "just dragging their feet a bit" in terms of getting info to their lender is not a positive thing. Hearing that they are "still getting their ducks in a row" with 31 days until closing also does not instill a lot of confidence.

We were flat out told not to sign a lease "quite yet" and I am more than hesitant to pack a single box, but really-- crazy me, I'm starting to have this nagging where the heck are we going to live next month if this sale does go through? voice in my head.

So this is where I'm at... pretending that it isn't happening. House, what house? ahhh that feels better.

I'm more than positive that the buyers are living their lives and simply have no idea what it is like to be in limbo with a toddler and a house full of things that may have no place to go in a month. I'm certain that they have no idea that we would like to either secure a place to go, or keep showing the house to others. They can have no way of knowing that we are going on vacation this month, leaving us less time to get things ready. But all of this doesn't stop me from fantasizing about knocking on their door and politely asking, "um, would you mind just speeding things along a bit? We would prefer to not be homeless, thanks."

The practical side of me is pretty sure we will be living here this winter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, no! I'm so sorry! I hope things straighten out soon.