Monday, August 10, 2009

Square one and such

So, the sale fell through. I was devastated on Friday, because Thursday we had found a place, but now I've settled into mild disappointment. I guess what it comes down to is that I can't justify mourning an apartment we never actually had. Even if it was so close we could taste it...

Sometimes this whole house sale thing feels like that nightmare where you really need to get somewhere and for whatever reason you are moving in slow motion. Usually when I have that nightmare, I am in a pet store and somehow all of the fish have gotten out of the tanks. They are all flopping around on the floor and I have to help them get back into the water except all I have is a metal spatula. Then I look down and I am wearing these really big heavy boots and I have to also try not to step on the fish.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that we need to sell this house, so that I can take these boots off.

1 comment:

Sean said...

That is so weird. I had a nightmare the night after we found out about the sale. I was flopping around on the ground with a bunch of gold fish. Suddenly, I saw a giant boot and a spatula lifted me and dumped me into an aquarium.

I think the dream was some how symbolic, that there are other buyers in the sea and if we carefully spatula one up, we'll sell our home?