Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why I probably still have that book you lent me

Netflix's business model is ingenious. Sean and I joke that we are their favorite type of customer; the kind that gets excited enough about it to sign up for Three movies unlimited!, and then keeps those same three movies for almost a year. At some point we just need to accept that if we haven't watched Running with Scissors yet, we probably won't get around to it any time soon - but I'm getting off topic.

In an effort to not feel like I am throwing twelve dollars a month out the window, I decided to peruse their new releases and spice up the queue. I came across a romantic comedy called He's Just Not That Into You. It looked like a OK rental. Then I saw that it was based on a book. Well, I have to read the book before I watch the movie I told myself. When I went to the library to pick up the book, I was surprised to discover that it was actually a non-fiction dating self help book. Huh, I thought.

To make a long story unnecessarily long, I have this personal rule that I have to finish every book that I start (insert bible joke here). He's Just Not That Into You is a rather short book, but was actually pretty hard to get through. First of all, while I was reading it, all I could think about is how depressing this movie is going to be. It's basically a description of the million ways you can tell that the guy you like doesn't like you back. Secondly, reading the book made me realize apparently there have been a number of guys who were just not that "into me" (who wants to think about that?) and lastly, it appeared that even the writers were not super-confident in the probability of ever finding a guy that is "into you". Really, if I were single, reading this book would probably have sent me to the pet store to buy a plethora of cats.

So here we are, two weeks later. We still haven't watched Running with Scissors, but I just came across a new release called Marley and Me...

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