Monday, March 8, 2010

Semantics and parenting

Where is our plaque?

Because clearly we are parents of the year.

Besides throwing our kid into a twin bed without so much as a warning- because transition schmansition (another post entirely), Sean and I had this amazing parenting moment this past week:

Sean: (to Kelan) You can have a piece of gum if you get your clothes on nicely.

(turns to me) Is bribery a frowned upon parenting technique?

Me: er, it's not bribery! It's... reward as incentive.

Then something amazing happened. We both looked at each other and a light bulb went on.

Both in harmony: Positive reinforcement!

It was special.

And it's not "crappy parenting"- it's... well yeah, it's that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm all for bribery ... or whatever you call it.