Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Think Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice, only 20 pounds heavier with an asymmetrical face

I got bangs y'all! Bangs!

Yeah, I know this is minutiae that you could probably live without, but if you're looking for some major news, head on over to Yahoo.

In any event, I did it, and I now have a love/hate relationship with my new 'do. I will explain by making a couple of random points. First of all, the last time I had bangs* was elementary school, so it is still a bit jarring to look in the mirror. Second, I feel that I should point out that they're not the full on straight-across-the-forehead type, but rather the pushed-to-the-side-you-might-not-even-notice-them kind**.

Even so, they have taken on this whole personality of their own and I am really annoyed. If you have a hard time believing this, just ask that gal that you know who still has the overgrown bob with the bangs so perfectly curled under that the only way you know there isn't a curling iron in there is because you can't see a cord dangling--I'm sure she'll tell you her bangs have been in charge for the last 15 years or so.

So yeah, I did it and now I have to live with the extra 15 minutes of getting ready and trying to look presentable. Because when people see me, I want them to see straight past the utter fear of getting older and having a dated look*** and think oooooh, she's trendy.

* I think they might be called "fringe" or "fringes" now, but I'm not certain.

** I should just put a picture up to save you the time of reading this, but I'll do that later.

***Or even worse... the dreaded "frumpy mom" that only makes appearances in the privacy of my home.

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