Thursday, February 18, 2010

I kid. I kid because I love

So you think you know your husband. The man you've chosen to spend your life with. The father of your child. You feel you have gotten to the point of the relationship that is free of surprises.

And then one day he plops himself in front of the T.V, turns on the winter olympics and proceeds to cheer for the mens figure skating "free skate" competition like he is watching the Packers play in the superbowl. And you stand corrected.

That is what happened last night folks.

So I did a double take, and then sat down and watched it with him- just in case I was missing something. I thought for a second that he was trying to be ironic, or it was some jab at me for the hours and hours I spent 2 summers ago, parked in front of the gymnastics competitions. It wasn't. He was serious.

I watched Sean's (almost tearful-I swear) reaction to Evan Lysacek's gold medal performance with a mixture of shock and awe.

Then I asked the question that needed to be asked. "Um... ARE YOU FUR REAL?"

He swears it is just his passion for the olympic spirit that made him so excited for Evan, and I'm not one to judge.

Still, we all know what he was thinking when he was watching that competition....

Tee Hee


kim said...

omg...this is favorite blog entry to date!

Mark T. said...

That's awesome! The hardest I've laughed all day!