Sunday, September 25, 2011

Um, content warning?

So, after a couple of years of people telling me that I *needed* to start watching that show "Weeds", I finally caved and checked it out on Netflix. Almost 5 stars! I got through half of the first season.

The result? Mild depression.

It wasn't the show in particular, I'm pretty sure "Weeds" was just the straw that broke this camel's back. Truth is, I'm usually all for dark comedies. I love television and cinema that can subtly (and humorously) point out that life is messy.

I guess, for me, the whole suburban-life-is-effed-up theme is just getting a little tired. American Beauty? Kind of cool. It was a newer concept back then. But now we have aCheck Spelling TON of shows that portray affluent suburban life as seedy, scandalous, and even dangerous.

I've been giving this some thought lately, wondering why I had such a negative reaction, and then I took the topic to Sean (Who has been taking in every episode of Breaking Bad that he can get his hands (or would it be eyes?) on. His opinion, "You're giving this way too much thought, It's just entertainment."

Consider me jaded. Or old. Although I prefer disenchanted, by the whole genre. Because when Sean said that, I immediately thought, Forgive me if I'm not "entertained" by the idea of a mother slipping her middle-schooler laxatives because she considers her fat. Or for not understanding the idea of a mother walking in on her fifteen year old having sex with his girlfriend and then sighing, as if she is just mildly bothered. You know, because her son is that precocious type-- the new Hollywood version of witty, adult-kid.


So, at the risk of being "uncool," I'm over it. The only thing I find myself thinking about that show is, Why does she need to be a drug dealer to keep up her lifestyle? Geez, I could solve her problem in a week. Sell your McMansion, move, and live within your means? Not great TV, but in my opinion, neither is watching a 30 something year old man have cybersex with a teenager, only to have it laughed off.

So, Two final points to Hollywood.

1) Get over this marijuana obsession. Anyone over the age of 25 that owns and is proud of a bong? Needs to rethink some life choices.

2) Even though the economy sucks, It doesn't make me feel any better to see that it sucks for the poor little rich people too.

This might have come off more angry that I wanted...


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