Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Boom, smited!

Photographic proof that GOD will smite you if you aren't nice to me...

I am still amused by a conversation I had with my sister ten minutes before we were hit with a huge storm that had trees down on every block in my neighborhood:

Sarah: Is it supposed to rain today?

Me: I'm not sure, the icon on my iPod shows some clouds and a lightening bolt, but usually when I click on it, there is only like a 10% chance of rain, so... who knows.

Sarah: Hmmm

Ten minutes after I hung up the phone, the tornado sirens were going off. I was baffled, but the sky had turned a blackish color all of the sudden. The power went out before I could get any actual weather info and suddenly realized how much I depend on the radar pictures, because I started yearning for just a couple minutes of that super arrogant weatherman who gets off on pointing at pictures of green and red blobs and manically shouts about "rotation" and "wall clouds."

I was sitting in the dark basement wondering how serious the threat of a tornado was and being all bitter that the internet was down when I remembered a conversation that Sean and I had at a hardware store once. I sort of remember Sean pointing down an aisle and saying that we should have some "weather preparedness kit" with a radio and stuff like that, but all I could see when I looked at him was an old man blabbering about needing more cardigans and another charger for his Hoveround so I freaked out and may have told him that weather radios were for pansies.

Next I heard a crash upstairs, and decided that it was either a tree falling on my house or the cats messing around upstairs and shrugged, jamming my earphones in my ears and turning on my latest audiobook-- sort of like how I turn the radio up in my car to drown out all of the weird noises it makes when it's about to die.

Thankfully, there was no major damage. As it turns out, the top of one of the huge trees in our yard had broken off and fallen between our yard and our neighbors (who coincidentally NEVER say hi to me), bringing down a power line and smashing some of their brand new fancy landscaping. The first thing that Sean said when I told him a tree was down was, "Please tell me it fell on your car, did it fall on your car?"

The next two days were a blur of realizing how underrated electricity is, and then being soooo grateful that "an act of GOD" prevented us for having to pay for any damage.

And I guess all that's left to say is, you've been warned...

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