Monday, May 21, 2012

I think you need to see this

I heart google images.  It's like this hotbed of weirdness at my fingertips whenever I wish.  A couple weeks ago, I came across an image that I just couldn't stop looking at.  I saved it to my desktop and I have been looking at it when I need some cheering up. I did follow the link once and it turns out it is a picture from a Japanese catalog (I'm not sure what is for sale in the picture though, because I am not fluent and it's really not all that clear). 

So I'm putting it here to share it with you.  I'm kind of sure that it's illegal to just be grabbing images and posting them all willy nilly, but I really think that the law would understand once they saw.


And I'm not sure exactly, if it's the orange socks, the look on his face, the pose, or the unhealthy plant that draws me in. But. yeah. This is the cure for the Monday Mundane.

I'm sorry or you're welcome. Depending on what you want to hear at this point.  

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