Monday, March 22, 2010

Hey, whaddya got there?

Who knows where he learns these phrases.

Certainly not from me...

We got Kelan a bike today. I think it's safe to say he likes it. As usual, we put it together during his nap and surprised him with it. Here is the unveiling...

That person you hear in the middle of the video is our neighbor. We had to scavenge for a bike pump after futzing with ours for a good 15 minutes. We don't know about that shaggy haired weirdo at the end, she must have wondered up from the street.

I give it a week before the bell mysteriously disappears from the bike, but how cute is it when kids say stuff like "That's pretty cool!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kelan totally should be in commercials! He's hilarious! What a smart guy you have.