Saturday, June 18, 2011

This could be a mistake, but it's not like I have a ton of readers to piss off...

You know how sometimes you taste or smell something and it is so bad or disturbing that you can't help but get everyone around you to do it too? This might be one of those "it's just me" things. Only, I feel the need to trick people into experiencing things, like, "Hey Sean, taste this, it's soooo good!" It sounds all mean when I type it out, but it's not like people would do things If I told them the truth...

Or would they?

I've been watching far too much television since this insomnia started, and lately I've been on a documentary streak. Documentaries are cool because it's like watching reality TV without the guilt...well less of it anyway. Netflix has a lot of titles that are available on instant play. Anyway, of the documentaries I've seen lately, A small list sticks out in my head. I don't know why, but the last three I've seen have all been disturbing, although two of them have been about the death penalty.

I have to say that I'm not overly passionate about a lot of issues. I try not to take extreme views on anything because I hate conflict, there is always grey area, and I think it just opens the door for debates, and debates are positively useless. However, I am pro-choice (not to be confused with pro-abortion), and I do oppose the death penalty.

That said, I found these documentaries disturbing for various reasons and I want you to watch them so I'm not alone in my disturbedness!!

- The Last Word

-My Flesh and Blood (not about the death penalty, but hard to watch)


Let me know what you think!


Unknown said...

Hmmm ... disturbing. Don't know if I can do it then. I feel it best to leave my psyche undisturbed. :) Maybe I'll go read about them. Wholeheartedly agree with your views, though.

stevenkolson said...

Steve and I watched Flesh and Blood last night based on this blog. It was so fascinating. In fact, I find it difficult to describe my feelings about it, because I all the words I think of just don't do the the film justice. I'm so glad you mentioned it!

stevenkolson said...

the last comment was from me, Kim. I didn't know Steve was logged in. Steve loved it too, though. :)