Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One step closer to wearing sweat pants to the mall- the kind of sweat pants with the elastic at the bottom

Ok. Call it rebellion, selfishness, or just lack of experience if you want. You can even smile to yourself and give me one of those “Awww she’s so young and naive” head nods. But one of the things that I used to envision before having a child was said child and I, cruising in our car (which was something cool, new and definitely un-mom like). In the car, we’d be listening to only the latest; I liked this before it was popular, alternative music. I was never going to be the unhip mom who blasted songs about ducks while driving 49 on the highway in my minivan.

Sean is always on my case about treating Kelan like a little adult instead of a kid. I get it, I do… but finding that happy medium is killing me these days.

So, last week when Kelan wasn’t feeling well, I abandoned my aforementioned vision and shoved “Songs for Little Hands” in the Jetta’s CD player. I’m not going to lie, at first it was mildly soul crushing, but when I looked back and saw him bobbing his little head in his car seat, it was worth it.

For me, the tricky part of being a first time mom, has been giving up my “hip young mom” expectations. I have been reading a book called The Tao of Poop: Keeping your Sanity while Raising a Baby. It has some really helpful tips about keeping your identity while also raising children.

In the future, I’m going to let Kelan pick the music more often. In the mean time though, I’ll have to Google some less obnoxious toddler music. I don’t know what I’m holding on to- I was never that cool to begin with.


AUG BLOG said...

Hi Emily (and Sean and Kelan!),
Auggie happens to be a big fan of "Choo Choo Soul". Let's put it this's tolerable. Have fun blogging!

Emily said...

Thanks, I'll definitely check that out!

Unknown said...

Like I said, Laurie Berkner. I actually like listening to her music. She has a great voice. Other good ones are Ralph Covert (Ralph's World) and the Boynton CDs (Cows, Dog Train is good). If you go to, you can click on Jack's Big Music Show, and there's some pretty good music there.

Can you tell I'm the kind of mom you mentioned? :) Sometimes I'm so dazed that without even realizing it I have the kids' music still playing in the car when I'm in there by myself.