Friday, December 5, 2008

REM Sleep is Only 17 Years Away

You know the famous quote “Babies should come with an instruction manual?” It used to surprise me that people still say it with the millions of books about child rearing out there. Well, either I am not reading the right books, or the books out there are missing a few chapters. I was not prepared when Kelan got the stomach flu.

In all of my reading, I have yet to come across a chapter that warns that the sight of your miserable toddler projectile vomiting will literally break your heart. Sean and I were bewildered. Do we give him water? Pedialyte? Will he throw that up? How do you know if he is dehydrated? Needless to say, four o’clock in the morning, in the thick of things, is not a convenient time to have these questions.

Well, I’m proud to say that we made it, and all is back to normal - well all except for the heap of laundry that I have coined “my Everest.” I guess I’m OK with the hospital not handing out an instruction manual, but perhaps they could consider a tattoo of the phone number to Nurse Direct?

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