Sunday, May 15, 2011

Conversations with Kelan

It's been a rough week, what with being forced to confront my guilt* of loving my decision to quit the stay at home thing, and with Kelan confronting me about...everything.

Today I woke up and was just emotionally exhausted, but this little conversation with Kelan made my day:

Kelan: (comes and sits on my lap) Since there's no daycare today, can I watch "The Incredible Hulk"?

Me: What? Aren't you a little young for that show? When have you watched that?

Kelan: I'm not too young!! Daddy watched it yesterday at night with me.

Me: Why do you like the incredible hulk?**

Kelan: Because Betty loves him sooo much!

*my go-to emotion.

** I've been rather paraniod about superheros and muscled men in the media ever since I watched that documentary "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" and learned more about body image issues with men and rampant steroid use etc... Seriously, finding things to worry about is so freaking easy.

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