It started with Spider-man.
You know the creepiest thing about a Spider-man action figure? I do. It's eyes are so big that no matter where it is on the floor, it feels like it's always looking at you. I'm serious. It's all fun and games until you have to shower with this:
one morning.
It's all down hill from there. Now we own every "fill-in-the-blank"-man ever made. And I told myself that my child wasn't going to play with the toy weapons or watch the action cartoons, but then reality entered into the picture, as it tends to do. Because trust me, I'm totally that mom at the store who shops the toy aisles and shows him dolls, and puzzles, and animal figurines going, "hey, doesn't this look fun!" It hasn't worked yet. It turns out, preschoolers are people, and they have opinions-- opinions that they like to state passionately. and loudly. and very, very often.
And that's not to say that I give in to his every whim, but I have to draw the line somewhere, or I'll end up being that mom who leaves a list of forbidden toys for playdates... and no one likes that mom.
So, now most of our quality time together is me suggesting we color, or build with the lincoln logs, and then finally resigning to be the bad guy that Iron-man needs to get rid of. Again.
But it's all good. I mean, he's not trying to burn the house down, or out killing small animals, so I figure I can suck it up and take some showers with Spider-man.