Saturday, September 25, 2010

Don't call it a comeback

Alright people, time for round two. I'm psyched! I can't wait to have to clean the house meticulously, vacate at a moments notice, and take all sorts of negative criticism on my home!!! It is SUPERFANTASTIC!

I'm a little jaded. We've been trying to unload this money pit sell our beautiful house off and on since January of 2008. Turns out, someone really lucked out when they found Sean and I... we were just the right kind of crazy to believe in the "charm" of the place.

Actually, I really do love this house, and if I had a ton of money, I'd maybe remodel the crap out of it to make it more practical, but I don't, and that's just the problem- it would take a LOT of money.

As it turns out, everything that made Sean and I fall in love with the house to begin with is making us want to get rid of it, and also keeping other people from wanting to buy it.

Let's see,

That beautiful wooded ravine in our backyard? Gorgeous to look at, death-trapish for a young child.

Those lovely old windows full of character? A heating nightmare.

That quaint wood burning fireplace in the living room? Lets so much smoke in the house that Kelan has a major asthma attack whenever we even think about starting a fire.

This adorable established neighborhood that is so full of character and has a big city feel? Apparently most Wisconsinites need garages these days. Babies.

So are we putting our house on the market this week? Yeah.

Do I have a lot of hope that it will sell soon? Umm... not so much.

It's okay though, I really do love this house. Just not enough to want to live in it anymore.


Unknown said...

As your Realtor, I strongly suggest not sharing any of this with any buyers that come out way...death trap? I hope it's okay that I left that off the description page.. ;)

Unknown said...

our way...Clearly I am not good at this whole typing thing.