Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This is where I draw the line, insanely wealthy people.

Ummmm.... I don't even really know how to start this.

I mean, I guess it's no secret that Sean and I aren't upper crust. The signs are everywhere... Our summer house is totally just a tent and even then it's, you know, only for that one weekend. Sometimes we drink wine out of champagne glasses. I have never put premium gasoline in any vehicle, ever. Probably the most obvious sign, (because our porch isn't big enough for an old couch) is the fact that we use ice cube trays. ice cube trays. That's right, our refrigerator doesn't magically spit out perfectly shaped cubes of ice. Wrap your brain around that for a second.

Here is where I'm going with this; Yesterday, I got a catalog in the mail. It was for a children's clothing store called Marie-Chantal (tag line-beautiful clothes for beautiful children). I paged through it, looking at the adorable blonde haired, blue eyed babies wearing cardigans and pea coats and thought, "aww how cute (in a Stepford sort of way)." Then my eyes wandered over to the prices.


I had to squint to make sure I saw them right.

Because, wow.

Okay. I am all for splurging at Gap Baby if I see a cute little hat or sweater, but here is where I vomit in my mouth a little; $148.00 for a pair of flats. FOR A PRESCHOOLER. $416.00 for a "skating coat"!!! Because, we all know that kids never grow, and they definitely don't kick off their shoes while riding in the stroller somewhere between Macy's and that day spa.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking to start a political debate here. I'm just having a little fun over the fact that something Sean or I did this past year made this company think that we were worthy of their catalog.

BUT... In my humble opinion, if theoretically you have the choice between buying a 3 year old a four hundred dollar coat, or putting money toward feeding an entire village of people in a third world country?...

Just sayin'

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