Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What? I'm not defensive.

Look at the face of this poor neglected child. Sally Struthers will probably be knocking on our door soon. *

I've been in denial (a little) about the cooler weather approaching. I mean, this is just the cold snap before the Indian summer, obviously.

For a third time, yesterday, someone at the daycare casually mentioned that I forgot Kelan's coat. Temps here have been averaging highs of 60-70 degrees. Okay, usually low sixties. (Which, by the way, is shorts weather in the spring but apparently parka weather in the fall) It's not that the daycare employees have ever been rude in any way, I'm pretty sure they just assume that I'm some misguided teen mom.

Usually I arrive at daycare and search for him on the playground. Then I freak out because he isn't there, and finally see that he is, I just didn't recognize him in a faded, way-too-small sweatshirt from the "community" bin. It's all downhill from there.

Child care technician: (smiling sweetly) "Oh, hi there! We come out here to play every day- the kids love it! Just so you know, we are out each day that the weather is above 30 degrees, so we encourage parents to bring hats, gloves, you know, the works."

Me: (Look down and notice I am still wearing flip flops and a tee shirt- it's not cold- is it?) "Oh, I'm sorry, thanks for the loaner!"

They have given me that speech twice already.

Yesterday, I just lied. LIED,

Daycare tech: "Bye Kelan! Tell your mommy you had a great time playing outside except your coat wasn't in your cubby!"

Side note: Does anyone else think it's more than weird when people talk to your child like that? I never know if they are expecting me to answer, or if they were even talking to Kelan at all.

Me: (laugh awkwardly) Yeah, sorry. I must have left it in the car. (In my defense, I did throw a knit hat in the bag, so it's not like he was freezing to death in the 59 degree weather.)

(What I wanted to say but didn't, because not everyone gets my sense of humor)- Yeah, gosh, I told him he was going to be cold! He was on my lap on the drive over and I told him he couldn't steer this time because last time we kept hitting things, and he got all sassy and chucked his coat out the window! I finally got him to stop whining by putting some rum in the sippy cup, so at least he was all calm for you guys! Don't worry, when I unlock the door after his timeout I will totally make him walk back and pick up his coat.

* I don't know which is more pathetic: The fact that Sean and I have yet to shop for a single piece of Kelan's fall wardrobe, or the fact that I have been sharing mine with him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Emily, you seriously are such a great, witty writer! The funny part about this is that kids don't care. Until it gets significantly colder than it's been kids that age seem to tolerate the weather much better than adults can. If he's outside, Gus hardly cares what temperature it is.