Tuesday, September 7, 2010

This is probably why most doctors recommend more than four hours of sleep a night

Ever had one of those days?

You know, that one day where you couldn't sleep past 3:30 and decided to eat a breakfast of stale Oreos in front of the show Hoarders? And even though you had been up since 3:30, you didn't drag yourself into the shower until 6:00 and everything took you seven times longer than normal? Then after that, you had to drop your screaming kid off at daycare to make it 10 minutes late to an appointment and you almost turned around on the way because he was all, "I'm sad....I don't want to go....I'll miss you...please don't make me go to drop-in!" but then you realized that you had to go to the appointment, and turning around would only perpetuate his separation anxiety?

Ever had one of those days where you really, really needed your toddler to nap and just as soon as he fell asleep, the neighbors had a huge, loud truck pull in and unload people to shout to each other and pound on the roof for 3 hours? And 5 minutes after they came, you wanted to cry like a baby, because despite your silent prayers, you heard said toddler shout, "I wake up mommy!"

Ever had one of those days where you were so behind on everything house, but had to spend an hour and a half on the phone figuring out what was with that random pile of bills that had been sitting on the desk in no order whatsoever? And during that hour you had to beg your toddler seventeen hundred times (while hearing the loud annoyed sighs on the other end of the phone) to "please give mommy two more minutes..."?

And the laundry is piling up, and you ruined your teapot because all of the water evaporated before you could get to it and it made sparking sounds and smelled scary, and you don't have a five year plan, and what the heck should you go back to school for?

And OH MY CRAP what should you do about dinner?!

Ugh. Those days.

I found the cure.

You just have to lay next to your kid on the floor, and he'll say completely out of the blue, "A double rainbow- Oh my god!" and your day will be completely fixed because even though you are a crappy parent who let your kid play with trains on the floor while you were watching that viral video four times yesterday, and laughing so loud with your husband and you forgot to ask him if he had to go potty, he still loved you and knew just what to say to fix a bad day?

Life is good.

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