Saturday, September 18, 2010

Please remind me of this at the end of January...

...when I am scraping the windshield and praying that Sean gets transferred to a place that has never seen snow.

Last Sunday was the most gorgeous day. Fall in Wisconsin is my absolute favorite. I think of leaves, and picking apples, and carving pumpkins, making soup, buying sweaters...I feel all euphoric just thinking about it.

Anyway, we took advantage of the weather and took a walk on the trail by the river. It was sweet. Kelan got to ride his bike and look for sticks and bugs. I tried to capture the moment and store it up for the loooooong winter days ahead.

Kelan trying to feed the Wooly bear caterpillar.


Unknown said...

I love fall too! Reading this makes me love it even more.

kim said...

omg. if sean gets transferred and you guys move somewhere warm...and if you want friends to move out there with should let us know! Wisconsin winters are amongst my least favorite things!